Winter School & Methodology Lab
Abbiamo il piacere di segnalare due School organizzate dal Dipartimento di Management ed Economia dell’Università Digitale Pegaso, interamente online e gratuite. Winter School – New Technologies for Sustainability and Smart Societies, 9 e 10 Gennaio 2025 Approfondisce tematiche
Special track about digital servitization at the next IFKAD Conference (Naples)
Dear Colleagues, we share with you our special track entitled “Digital Servitization and New Sustainable Business Opportunities” organized by Clara Filosa, Lara Agostini and Anna Nosella within the scope of the 20th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics
Bandi assegni di ricerca presso CNR-IAC
Si segnala la pubblicazione dei seguenti due bandi di concorso presso CNR-IAC: 1) Un assegno post-doc per ricerca e trasferimento sul tema: Emerging trends and methods for the optimisation of resilient and sustainable Supply Chains: models, algorithms and industrial
School in Green and Sustainable Finance
Nell’ambito del progetto “The cleantech industry in the European Green Deal: policy challenges and the finance landscape for SMEs (CLEU)” finanziato dalla European Investment Bank (EIBURS programme) in collaborazione con European Investment Fund, abbiamo il piacere di segnalare
Special Issue of Journal of Family Business Strategy: Unveiling environmental, social, and governance dynamics in family firms
If you are working in the space of #sustainability, #ESG, #impactinvesting, #socialimpact, #CSR, #philanthropy or #sustainabledevelopment please consider submitting a paper to our Special Issue at Journal of Family Business Strategy!
Invited Session @11th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control
An Invited Session, organized by proff. Clarissa Amico, Roberto Cigolini, Andrea Grassi and Giuseppe Cinverso, on “Digitalization, Sustainability, Coordination, and Configuration: Reshaping Global Supply Chains in the Wake of the Great Decoupling” will be held at the 11th
Call for Papers – COINs25 – 11th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks
Care colleghe, cari colleghi, ho il piacere di segnalare la Call for Papers della conferenza COINs 25 – 11th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks, che stiamo organizzando per il 21 e 22 Maggio 2025, a Gorizia. Ecco
Lunch Seminar by Franco Basso
A Vehicle-by-Vehicle Approach for Solving Real-World Transportation Problems Using Machine Learning and Big Data 4 December 2024 – 12.15 pm Lunch seminar in presence Building BL26/B – Room 0.19 (ground floor) Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Special Issue: New Space Economy – Unveiling a New Frontier for Business Model Innovation
We are pleased to announce the publication of a Special Issue in the journal Review of Managerial Science, titled “New Space Economy – Unveiling a New Frontier for Business Model Innovation.” This Special Issue explores the business implications
Special Issue: Integrating Digital Innovation and Strategic Management for Sustainable Business Landscapes
We are pleased to announce the publication of a Special Issue in the journal Sustainability (MDPI), titled “Integrating Digital Innovation and Strategic Management for Sustainable Business Landscapes.” This Special Issue explores the intersection of digital innovation and strategic