Hotels and directions

List of Hotels (pdf, 300 KB)

All scientific events will take place at the Università degli Studi di Udine – Polo Scientifico Rizzi (Via delle Scienze, 206 – 33100 Udine).


Best options to reach Udine city center from Trieste airport (and vice versa):


Best options to reach Udine city center from Venice airport (and vice versa):


Best options to reach Polo Scientifico Rizzi (Via delle Scienze 206) from the city center (and vice versa):

  • Bus
    9 (from Piazza I Maggio to Via Pasolini – approximately 15 min. duration)
    n.10 (from Piazza XXVI Luglio to Via delle Scienze – approximately 15 min. duration)
    n. 6 (from Viale Europa Unita to Via Freschi aree verdi – approximately 15 min. duration + 5 minutes walk to Via delle Scienze 206)
    n. 2 (from Viale Trieste to Via del Pioppo – approximately 20 min. duration + 10 minutes walk to Via delle Scienze 206)

Download the app to check routes, timetables and to purchase tickets:


Social dinner venue – September, 11th:

In progress


Pre-conference dinner (not included in the conference fee) venue – September, 10th:

In progress