
Special Issue: Sustainable Innovation Ecosystems as Complex Systems: challenges, advantages, and limits for research and practice

31 Luglio 2024. Categoria: Call for paper

This Special Issue, published on Journal of Innovation & Knowledge (Rivista Gold) considers sustainable innovation ecosystems as complex adaptive systems, in which many autonomous and heterogeneous actors leverage their resources and capabilities and create new ones, by interacting with each other at multiple levels, to allow innovative solutions to new problems to emerge, in a very short time.

The SI aims to attract contributions that adopt innovative theoretical and empirical methodologies as well as papers addressing the relationship between theory and practice.

Submission dates: September 1st, 2024 to August 31st, 2025.

Review process: On a rolling basis from September 2024 to December 2025.

Guest editors: Linda Ponta, Giovanna Ferraro, Raffaella Manzini, Andrew W.H. Ip, Cristina Ponsiglione, Andreas Pyka, Ben Vermeulen.


For more information:

Giovanna Ferraro
Socio Aggregato junior dal 2012