
Seminar by João Albino-Pimentel

28 Maggio 2024. Categoria: Convegno, workshop

Politics If You Dare: Antecedents of Political Activity by Emerging Market Tycoons

10 June 2024 – 15.00 pm

Seminar in presence
Building BL26/B – Room 0.19 (ground floor)
Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Via R. Lambruschini, 4/B – 20156 Milano

João Albino-Pimentel is an Assistant Professor of Strategy and International Business at the Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina. His research interests lie at the intersection of non-market and global strategy. He studies how non-market resources and capabilities influence firms’ global strategy decisions. His work has been published in the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy and Global Strategy Journal.

Please click here to register.
For more information:

Giancarlo Giudici
Socio Ordinario di diritto dal 1996