
Lunch Seminar by Angelo Solarino

3 Settembre 2024. Categoria: Convegno, workshop

The Effect Of Populism On Foreign Direct Investments: A Stakeholder Capture Perspective

13 November 2024 – 12.15 pm

Lunch seminar in presence
Building BL26/B – Room 0.19 (ground floor)
Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Via R. Lambruschini, 4/B – 20156 Milano

Angelo M. Solarino is an Associate Professor Strategy at Durham University in the UK and has a joint appointment in Corporate Governance at VU Amsterdam. His academic interest lies in exploring the institutional environment’s impact on corporate entities. His research primarily focuses on two areas: the influence of environmental factors on board structure, dynamics, and company ownership, and how the environmental factors shape the behaviours of multinational enterprises.

Please click here to register.
For more information:

Giancarlo Giudici
Socio Ordinario di diritto dal 1996