
Lunch Seminar by André Aquino

27 Maggio 2024. Categoria: Convegno, workshop

Immersive Reality Supporting Individual Socio-Symbolic Work: Applications on ESG Projects

19 June 2024 – 12.15 pm

Lunch seminar in presence
Building BL26/B – Room 0.19 (ground floor)
Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Via R. Lambruschini, 4/B – 20156 Milano

André Aquino is a Full professor of Organization Studies and Public Sector Accounting at the School of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities of the University of São Paulo. He is the Director of Innovation at the Secretary of Science, Technology, and Innovation of the State of São Paulo/Brazil. His research interests are in organizing open innovation initiatives, organizational change, and new forms of accountability.

Please click here to register.
For more information:

Giancarlo Giudici
Socio Ordinario di diritto dal 1996