
Call for Papers: 17th ISSI 2019 (International Conference on Scientometrics & Infometrics ) and special STI Indicators Conference Track

7 Dicembre 2018. Categoria: Call for paper, Convegno, workshop

The Organizing Committee is delighted to invite participants to submit a contribution to

        The 17th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference 
                                         With a special STI Indicators Conference Track 

to be held in Rome, Italy on 2-5 September 2019 (official website:, in Sapienza University of Rome.

SUBMISSION ( ) : The deadline for submissions is January 15th, 2019: full papers  (max 12 pages including all tables, figures and refs according to the template), research-in-progress papers (max 6 pages including all tables, figures and refs according to the template) and workshops/tutorials (max 2 pages length proposal).

PROCEEDINGS: All accepted submissions will be published in the Proceedings volumes, that will be indexed in Web of Science and Scopus.

Prof. Giuseppe Catalano
Prof. Cinzia Daraio
Prof. Giancarlo Ruocco
Prof. Henk F. Moed (Program Chair)


Giuseppe Catalano
Socio Ordinario di diritto dal 1999