
3RD AEM and TIM PhD Programs – Joint Paper Development Workshop 

18 Maggio 2020. Categoria: Convegno, workshop

 *** Program Released! *** 

3RD AEM and TIM PhD Programs Joint Paper Development Workshop “Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Internationalization: A Multidisciplinary Perspective” has gone virtual and will take place on 25-26 May.

For the program, please click here!

For anybody interested in participating as audience, please enroll here
Feel free to forward the enrollment link to whom might be interested to participate.
Scientific Committee
Davide Hahn and Tommaso Minola, University of Bergamo
Ivana Quinto and Pierluigi Rippa, University of Naples Federico IIGiovanna Magnani and Antonella Zucchella, University of Pavia

Ivana Quinto
Socio Aggregato junior dal 2009