16th CINet PhD Seminar
7 Novembre 2019. Categoria: Convegno, workshop
The CINet seminar on Research in continuous innovation
One of the great challenges for doctoral students is to develop publishable results from their research. This all starts with a well-designed research plan, followed by collecting and analyzing good data. Thus, the objective of the CINet PhD seminar on “researching continuous innovation” is to help students mastering the process of getting from a research idea, through a robust research design, good qualitative and/or quantitative data, to a publishable theoretical and/or managerial contribution, in the field of (continuous) innovation.
Date and Venue: 20-24 April 2020, Stockholm, Sweden.
Registration deadline: 10 March 2020.
More information at http://www.continuous-innovation.net/events/phdseminars/2020.html.