12th EurOMA Summer School
30 Gennaio 2025. Categoria: Convegno, workshop
The University of Nottingham is happy to host the 12th EurOMA Summer School!
Doctoral researchers are invited to join us from 30 June – 4 July for an exciting opportunity to connect with leading experts in Operations & Supply Chain Management, to receive valuable research feedback, and gain insights into publishing, academic careers, and methodologies.
What to expect: Focus on Societal Grand Challenges, Hands-on learning & novel research approaches, Community building with early career researchers, Cultural & academic engagement, Translating research into real-world impact
Deadline for Expression of Interest (Extended: 7 February):https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=7qe9Z4D970GskTWEGCkKHk2bVLwSrDFOrx35LkeHQ-pURVo0WUtCQ0tGTE84M0lTSVFLTjBMUUNTOSQlQCN0PWcu&route=shorturl
More details: https://www.euromasummerschool2025.co.uk/
For any questions, feel free to reach out Maria Ciano (maria.ciano@nottingham.ac.uk)
#EurOMA #Research #OperationsManagement #SupplyChain