2022 R&D Management Conference Track – Humanity Driven Innovation: Recombining technologies and humanities to innovate
28 Febbraio 2022. Categoria: Convegno, workshop
Dear Colleagues,
with Lorenzo Ardito (Politecnico di Bari), Claudio Dell’Era (Politecnico di Milano), Stefano Magistretti (Politecnico di Milano), and Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli (Politecnico di Bari), I will chair the Track 2.8 “Humanity Driven Innovation: Recombining technologies and humanities to innovate” at the 2022 R&D Management Conference hosted by the University of Trento (July 9-13 2022, Trento, Italy).
In the current context, innovation processes cannot spur a rightful societal evolution if they do not set a positive influence on the whole society as their most important objective. In order to achieve this goal, interactions and recombination between technical and humanistic disciplines could be required, also adopting new innovation approaches (e.g., design thinking).
Please, consider submitting your abstract to the Track and/or to the Conference.
If you have any questions, please contact me or visit the Conference website: https://www.rnd2022.org/
Best Regards,
Angelo Natalicchio
Politecnico di Bari